Reconfig Operating Model
Structure follows Strategy and
no one size-fit all
We Reconfig Organization design, to embrace change and empower People.
In today’s global and competitive digital age, there is a tremendous need for organizations to work faster and achieve more with much less.
The flux that technology disruptions have caused:
- Demand for a more agile and flexible Organization Design
- Shrinking inter-departmental boundaries with more emphasis on collaboration and team play
- Mobilizing Cross-functional experience teams to resolve business challenges
- Digital thrusts add layers of complexity
All of the above directly impact people’s performance, behaviours and enhanced team dynamics at play.
Synarchy Consulting helps our clients to reconfig their operating models and create an Organizational Design that is aligned to adaptive strategy.
We provide a 360° solutions covering workforce planning, designing competency mapping, managed learning and development framework and enhancing the leadership pipeline in your Organization.
What is not measured is difficult to be monitored. We develop OKR’s and performance management frameworks and assist in achieving your key results.
Emphasis is placed on how one can improve effectiveness by simplifying complex roles, processes, and structure in our approach to Organization Design.